AMC Management Software


Every service based industry provides service to their customer to retain them by taking AMC. AMC stands for Annual maintenance contract where the company charges some lumsum amount from their customer for specified product for a fixed period of time and fixed services.

You can manage your amc service by using R Plus amc management software, to create new AMC go to add amc. When you select a client the software will automatically populate customer detail from customer master. You need to select the AMC period, it might be 6months, 1 year, 2 years etc according to customer’s interest. Specify the AMC start date, software will calculate the end date based on amc period. You can manage multiple terms and conditions against the customer.

AMC Management Software

Enter the product detail which is under amc, mention the serial no to identify which product is under amc warranty. In note you can put the product location or any other detail related to the product for your reference. Enter quantity and amc cost per product. You can put the tax as applicable and the software will auto generate the amc agreement. In view amc you can find the number of client under amc. Also in dashboard you will get the amc service remainder to provide the service to customer on given time to keep the customer happy.

AMC Agreement

When you add AMC an agreement will be automatically generated against the AMC. This agreement contract is a proof of new AMC for a particular time period. You can add multiple AMC terms and conditions in the master and you can use that while creating AMC. This will help you to maintain different terms and conditions based on client and product.
AMC Management - AMC Agreement

Schedule AMC Service

When you create AMC, periodic services will be automatically created in the software. For eg. you have an contract with one of your customer for 1 year and you agreed that you will give 4 services. So the software will schedule 4 services for every 3 months in 1 year. You can see how many services have been schedule and for which customer. Software will remind you whenever the current date is near to the service date. So you can make sure that all service given to the customer on time.
AMC Management - Schedule AMC Service

AMC / Service Reminders

In dashboard you can see the reminders of AMC as well as AMC Service. AMC reminder will let you know what are the amc going to end, so you can ask the customer to renew the AMC. AMC service reminder will remind you to give service for the particular customer.
AMC Management and AMC Service reminders

Smart Summary

AMC Management Software has smart summary in dashborad. This will have the summary of AMC or Annual Maintenance Contract, AMC Service and Complaints. You can see how many amc services are open and how many are pending. This will have summary of single service also. Also you can see how many complaints are open and how many complaints are pending. When you click on the link it will directly take you to the corresponding report.
AMC Management Software - Smart Summary

Graphical Summary of Complaint

Graphical representation is a powerful message conveying technique which is used to summarize the message. In our AMC Management Software you can see the summary of complaints in graphical representation in dashboard itself. Statuswise Complaint Summary will let you know the number of complaints under each status. You can analyze how many complaints you are getting monthly using Monthly Complaint Summary Chart. You can categorize the complaints according to the type of the complaint. To do this you need to add complaint type in complaint type master. Whenever a complaint/ticket raised you need to select which type of complaint it is. This will help you to analyze which type of complaint you are getting many times.
AMC Management Software - Complaint Summary

Track Client History

It is important know and understand the benifit of relationship with customer. To analyze this first of all we should know how much service we are giving to particular customer. Somtimes service provider gives more service and support to their client above their profit. Finally there is no use of having such customer as there is no profit. Our AMC Management Software will help you know all complaints,amc warrnty status and sales warrnty status in one click.
AMC Management Software - Track Client History

Track Serial Number

When you sale a product you might give a warrenty period for the same. In this warrenty period any time customer can come up with issue to fix with free of cost. But it is important to identify whether the customer's product in warrenty or not. AMC management software will track the serial number when you sale. To do this you have to mention the serial number when you do sales entry. So the software will have the record of which product will expire when. You just need to select the warrenty period, it might be 1year, 2years etc. End date will be automatically calculated by the software. When the custome come for service we can check their serial number using track serial number.
AMC Management Software - Track Serial Number


There are many reports to analyze amc, amc service and complaints. Find some reports below.
  • Quotation Reports
    • Open Quotation
      List of all quotations with status open
    • Quotation By Client
      Search quotations by client
    • Quotation By Category
      Search quotation by quotation category like Complaint,Sales,AMC etc
    • Quotation By Status
      Find quotations by its status
    • Advanced Search Quotation
      Advanced search for quotation by client, date of creation, quotation type and status
  • Sales Reports
    • Scheduled Sales Services
      List of services scheduled against each sale
    • Sales By Customer
      Get the list of sales by customer
    • Sales By Status Report
      Find the sales by status like Open, Converted to AMC etc
    • Advanced Search Sales
      Search sales by customer, date range, status and bill number
    • Open Sales Order
      List of open sales orders
    • Pending Sales Order
      List of Pending sales orders
    • View Sales Service
      Get list of all the services of all sales
  • AMC Reports
    • AMC by Client
      Find AMC list by client
    • AMC By Type
      Search AMC by amc type like comprehensive and non-comprehensive
    • AMC by Status
      Find AMC by Status
    • Advanced Serahc AMC
      Search amc by client, amc date, amc type etc.
    • AMC Service by Client
      Find the list of amc service by client
    • AMC Service By Status
      Find the list of amc service by status
    • AMC Service By AMC
      Get the list of services for a particular amc
    • Advanced Search Amc Service
      Search amc service by client, amc code, status, assigned to etc.
    • Scheduled Amc Services
      List of Scheduled Amc Services
  • Complaint Reports
    • Open Complaint
      Get all open complaints
    • Complaint By Client
      Find complaints by client
    • Complaint By Engineer
      Get list of complaints by engineer
    • Complaint by Type
      Find list of complaints by complaint type
    • Complaint By Status
      Search complaint by status
    • Complaint By Chargeable
      Filter which complaints are chargeable and which complaints are non-chargeable
    • Advance Search - Complaint
      Search complaint by client, complaint date, status etc.
  • Invoice and Payment Reports
    • Receivable for Thirty,Sixty,Ninety days
      Get the list of receiable for longer time
    • Advanced Search Invoice
      Search invoice by client, type and invoice date
    • Customer Wise Invoice Report
      Find invoice by Customer
    • Outstanding By Customer
      All outstanding by customer
    • Income Expense Analysis
      Analyze income, expense and profit with graphical representation
  • Expense Reports
    • Customer Wise Expense Report
      Find expense by customer for a particular period
    • Expense Type Wise Report
      Analyze Expense by expense type
    • Service Engineer Wise Expense Report
      Find expense by service engineer
    • Advanced Search Expense
      Search expense by Client, expense date,

Industry Vertical

You can use the amc management software in any kind of industry where they provide service for a particular period. Take an example of CCTV business, the service provider will give free service after installation for a particular period. After installation the service provider should have a track of how many service we have to provide and how many are pending etc. If they are not able to manage this then customer will not be happy at the same time you can not increase the business from existing customer. So the conclusion is wherever there is amc agreement concept with customer or any service based industry can use this software to manage in a systamatic way.
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